The influence of denominational affiliations on the information seeking behavior of the Ulama in Borno State, Nigeria
Information seeking behavior (ISB) studies is one area in library and information science that has over the years attracted the attention of information professionals, resulting in several studies being carried out with a view to understand why people seek information, how they seek it, and what influences their information seeking behavior. Thus, the main objective of the study was to investigate whether the information seeking behavior of the Ulama is influenced by their denominational and sectarian affiliations. The study deployed the survey research method. The target population was made up of 973 Ulama dispersed within 27 Local Government Areas of Borno State of Nigeria. Proportional stratified random sampling technique was used to arrive at the sample size of 284. The study used questionnaire to collect data which was subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistical procedures. The study identified the existence of various religious groups in Borno and highlighted the information sources preferred as well as the diverse search strategies adopted when seeking information. Most importantly however, the study revealed that the denominational and sectarian differences does not affect the ways the Ulama search for information to carry out their roles, what however influences their preaching, counseling, administration, and leadership roles, was their interpretations of Islam according to sectarian and doctrinal beliefs.
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