A citation study of Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) andDESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT)

Garg, K C ; ., Bebi


The study presents an analysis of the number of articles published in Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS)and DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) during 2010-2013 and the citations obtained bythese articles during 2010-2014 (April) using Google. The study develops immediacy index and impact factor of the twojournals, besides, identifying the highly cited authors/papers. Findings reveal that DJLIT published more papers than ALISand also received more citations. However, citation per paper for both the journals is almost equal. DJLIT have a betterimmediacy index than ALIS. Impact factor of both the journals was less than one in 2012; however, it increased in 2013 andwas more than one in 2013.


Annals of Library and Information Studies; DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology; Citationanalysis; Indian Library Science Journals

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