Mineral paragenesis and stratigraphic setting of the Neoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary succession of Samran Group, Jabal Farasan Area, West central Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia

Mesaed, A A ; Sonbul, A R


Jabal Farasan is located in the west central part of the Arabian Shield. The present study aims to reveal the stratigraphic setting and mineral paragenesis of the exposed volcano-sedimentary succession of the Samran Group in Jabal Farasan area. The succession of Samran Group is composed of three successive facies: the lower interbedded andesitic tuffs and tuffaceous andesites and trachyte’s (F1), the middle-altered quartz diorite/andesite (F2) and, an upper interbedded andesitic tuff, tuffaceous andesites and trachytes (F3). The vertical variations in the petrographic lithotypes depend mainly on the position of the depositional sites relative to the volcanic centers (proximal and distal). Both the volcanic rocks and the associated units are subjected to syn-and post-depositional diagenetic/metamorphic processes. These processes include the formation of the Fe2+-silicates: (i.e., chlorite instead of the volcanic ashes and the formation of plagioclase minerals). Post diagenetic recrystallization of the tuffaceous mudstones and the formation of microcrystalline quartz. The diagenetic oxidation of the Fe2+-silicates led to the formation of volcaniclastic red beds in certain stratigraphic horizons.


Arabian shield rocks, Jabal Farasan, Samran Group, Volcaniclastics


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