Gynocardia odorata R. Br., a poisonous plant made edible by the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya using traditional knowledge

Tynsong, H ; Dkhar, M ; Tiwari, B K


Traditional knowledge on the use of Gynocardia odorata R. Br. seed as medicine and poison has relatively been well documented, whereas there is still a lack of adequate research on its use as food. The seed of G. odorata is an important wild edible in the state of Meghalaya having well-established market chain and a consumer base. This study reports the traditional knowledge-based depoisoning process of the seed of G. odorata by the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya. The study revealed that the cost/benefit ratio is highly favourable to the collector/producer as well as traders leading to the domestication of the tree in arecanut agroforests. It is concluded that the valuable ethnobotanical knowledge of the people needs to be documented for sustainable utilization of this bioresource.


Ethno-botanical knowledge; Management; Marketing analysis; Poisonous plants; Sohliang.

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