Study on volumetric and acoustic properties of binary mixtures of p-Cymene with fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene and bromobenzene at various temperatures

Makavana, Madhuresh ; Sharma, Sangita S


Volumetric and acoustic properties of p-cymene with fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene and bromobenzene have been investigated using density, (ρ), and speed of sound, (U) measurements over the entire composition range at T= (303.15, 308.15 and 313.15) K. From the experimentally measured density, (ρ); Excess molar volumes, (V), infinite dilution partial molar volume, (, i) excess partial molar volume, (,) apparent molar volume, (V,m,ϕ, 1), infinite dilution apparent molar volume, (V, , ϕ, 1) with empirical parameters, Sv, Bv and limiting apparent molar expansibility, (E) have been calculated. Deviation in speed of sound (U), deviation in isentropic compressibility, (ks), deviation in acoustic impedance, (z), infinite dilution partial molar isentropic compressibility, (,m, i), excess partial molar isentropic compressibility, (,i), apparent molar isentropic compressibility, (Ks,m,ϕ,i), infinite dilution apparent molar isentropic compressibility, (Km,ϕ,1) with empirical parameters Sk and Bk and intermolecular free length (Lf) have been calculated using experimentally measured speed of sound, (U). To derive fitting coefficients, (Ai) with standard deviation, (σ), excess properties were fitted to the Redlich-Kister type polynomial equation. Various theoretical speed of sound and average deviations have been calculated using well established equation like Nomoto, (Unmt) Ideal Mixing Rule, (Uimr) Junji, (Ujunji) and Jacobson’s Free Length Theory, (Uflt). The variation of these properties with composition and temperature has been discussed in terms of molecular interaction on mixing and their interacting abilities have also been compared.


Density;Speed of sound;Excess molar volume;Isentropic compressibility;Acoustic impedance

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