Design and Analysis of High-Performance and Low-Power Quaternary Latch,Quaternary D Flip-Flop and XY Flip-Flop
Multiple-valued logic (MVL) circuits propose a number of possible improvements to current VLSI circuit designs. Forexample, serious difficulties with limitations on the number of connections between an integrated circuit and the outside world(pinout concern) and also the number of links within the circuit encountered in some VLSI circuit synthesis could be greatlyreduced if signals in the circuit could assume four or more states instead of only two. This research work shows a quaternarylogic-based latch, a level-sensitive flop, and an edge-sensitive flop. In most of the cases it is seen that a sequential digital circuitproduces two outputs which are complementary to each other. But in most of the designs, there is no need of having both theoutputs of the flip-flops, so one of the quaternary outputs can be removed from the circuit, resulting in a decrease in area andstatic power. In quaternary circuits, several power sources or a single power supply source are employed. Those that haveseveral sources of supply use less energy. In multiple-valued logic we need the design to have multiple logic levels, like inquaternary logic, GND is used for logic ‘0’, 1/3Vdd is used for logic ‘1’, 2/3Vdd is for logic ‘2’, and Vdd is for logic ‘3’. Themulti-Vdd design method is incompatible with the purpose of reducing the inter-chip and intra-chip connections. In order toresolve this, a capacitive divider network is used while designing. The QFF is demonstrated with the necessary simulationresults using LTSpice tool and the simulations are performed using 32nm technology file. Finally, a quaternary shift register isbuilt to demonstrate the applicability and appropriate operation of the proposed QFF in larger sequential circuits.
Binary logic; Multi-valued logic; CMOS; Quaternary logic; Sequential circuits; Shift register
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