Particle-induced emission of X-rays from the Europa (100-10 keV)
We considered the interaction of H+, O+ and S+ ions of spectral energy range 100-10 keV with the predominant H2O ice composition of the surface of the Jovian Europa, and developed a model to quantify the ion-induced emission of X-rays from the satellite during its three encounters with Galileo mission flyby (E12, E19, E26). To achieve this, we computed the stopping power of H2O ice using SRIM code, and X-ray ionization cross sections of interaction for the ions with H2O ice using ISICS14 code. We found that the integrated fluxes of H+, O+ and S+ ions are seen as lower above the current sheet (E19) and enhanced through the centre of the current sheet (E12) and below the current sheet (E26). The proton-induced energy flux received at the telescope of the Chandra X-ray Observatory (ergs-cm-2-s-1) during E12 encounter is 9.49E-11, during E19 encounter is 4.79E-11, and during E26 encounter is 9.39E-11. The energy flux generated by O^+ and S^+ ions is found as trivial in comparison to the proton-induced energy flux (100-10 keV).
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