Internet use behaviour of cybercafé users in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania
Data on internet use behavior was obtained from 137 users in 10 cybercafés through questionnaires and the data thusobtained was analyzed using SPSS. The findings indicate that most cybercafé users in the study were young, male, bettereducated and mostly students. Many cybercafé users were computer literate but most had limited web using skills. TheInternet was primarily used for searching academic information, communication as well as obtaining news and currentaffairs. There were weak correlations between demographic characteristics of respondents and the purposes of using theInternet. While many cybercafé users preferred search engines particularly Google and Yahoo, only a few were using websubject directories. The use of tools such as search engines, browsers, and social media in the study area correspond to manyother world ratings. No adverse Internet addictive behaviours were exhibited by cybercafé users in the study area. Problemsencountered in using the Internet are similar to those cited frequently in Africa. Increasing bandwidth and availability ofelectricity would improve connectivity and reduce Internet costs. It is also recommended that computer training programmesshould include information literacy and ICT use for purposes such as e-business. Possible future research is also suggested.
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