Study on the effect of freshness of raw materials on the final quality of fish meals

Immaculate Jeyasanta, K. ; Patterson, Jamila


Two types of fish meals namely fresh fish meal (FFM) and stale fish meal (SFM) were prepared using oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) by wet reduction method. FFM was prepared from fresh fishes, and SFM was prepared from oil sardines stored in refrigerator for 3 days at 8o C. The qualities of these two fish meals were studied by assessing the nutrient contents and quality indicators. The quality of stored fish meals was also studied with Ethoxyquin antioxidant for 2 months. When compared to stale fish meal, fresh fish meal retained a better proximate composition with essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamin, and minerals. It also had acceptable limits of microbial and biochemical quality indicators. This study demonstrates that fresh fish meal prepared by wet reduction method has good qualities due to the hygienic processing of fresh fishes. The biochemical constituents of fish meal prepared in this method are better retained than in other methods. Fish meal with good quality has a longer shelf life of about 3 months, and with the addition of antioxidants like ethoxyquin shelf life can be extended even up to 6 months.


Antioxidant; Fish meal; Frozen, Oil sardine; Refrigerated stored fishes

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