Novel linear feedback shift register design in quantum-dot cellular automata

Beigh, M. Rafiq; Mustafa, M


Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the candidates among future nanoelectronic computing technologies. QCA is based on cells of coupled quantum dots. The QCA cells have features on the very low nanometer scale, much smaller than the present state of art size of the smallest transistor. The physical interaction between neighbouring cells has been exploited in the implementation of logic functions. This paper reviews the basic paradigm of QCA and presents efficient design and layout of a novel linear feedback shift register (LFSR) with minimum complexity and cell count. The proposed LFSR can be effectively used to design more complex circuits like scramblers and pseudo random pattern generators. The proposed design was verified by carrying out simulation using the QCADesigner tool. These implementations and simulations are useful for building more complex digital communication based circuits in QCA.


Shift register; Nanoelectronics; Quantum cellular automata; Linear feedback shift register; QCADesigner

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