Minimum energy consumption selection decode and forward routing protocol

Naika, Kanavath Chinna Kullayappa


Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is one of the complex tasks as topology changes frequently. Due to node mobility and node energy, rapid overtiredness due to limited battery power results in link breakages. Therefore topology, node mobility, and energy are the vital factor that has been affecting the performance of a routing protocol and reduce the overall network lifetime. A cooperative communication scheme called Minimum Energy consumption Selection Decode and Forward (MESDF) routing protocol, has been proposed in this paper to increase the network lifetime. Proposed routing protocol has included a cooperative table, a relay table, and a cooperative neighbor table to store the topological information. And that enforces cooperative transmission between the nodes, thereby enhancing robustness against the node mobility. Cooperative communication used multi-hop transmission between the source and destination nodes. That has determined the optimal route using the best possible relays with minimal energy consumption and considered link break probability and energy harvesting techniques to choose the optimal path. The simulation results clearly show that the robustness of the proposed method has increased against the node mobility and saved 21% of node energy in a selected approach which increased to 14% of the network lifetime compared to existing. cooperative and non-cooperative routing methods.


Cooperative communication, MANET, MESDF, Routing protocol

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