Traditional uses of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) based on ethnomedicine study in 254 Indonesia ethnic groups

Rahmawati, Nuning ; Marfuatush Sholikhah, Ika Yanti ; Subositi, Dyah ; Mustofa, Fanie Indrian ; Haryanti, Sari ; Widodo, Harto ; Mujahid, Rohmat ; Maruzy, Anshary ; Widiyastuti, Yuli


Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is the most cited plant for medicinal purposes around the globe. The rhizome of Z. officinale has been documented in traditional medical systems around the world, including Indonesia. The ethnomedicine study was conducted to inventory the traditional use of Z. officinale by ethnic groups in Indonesia. This study is one of a few stepping stones towards averting the extinction of indigenous knowledge and medical practices held by the community. The research was designed as a semi-qualitative study that involved 254 ethnic groups from 34 provinces. This study exhibited 785 traditional uses of Z. officinale to treat 69 ailments. Z. officinale was primarily utilized in a combination form of concoction rather than a single preparation. Pre- and postnatal care was recorded as the most frequent indication of Z. officinale practiced by traditional healers. The composition, plant parts used, and the way of administration of Z. officinale were different among the ethnic groups. This study demonstrated the critical role of traditional healers in treating various ailments using Z. officinale and the differences in the traditional utilization of Z. officinale in Indonesia.


Ethnomedicine, Ginger, Traditional uses, Zingiber officinale

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