Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station- Environment Management Perspectives
Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station is a unit of Maharashtra State Power Generation Co. Ltd. (MSPGCL) owned by Govt. of Maharashtra. Its installed capacity is 2920MW (2 x 210MW + 5 x 500MW) power generation. The fuel utilized for power generation is coal. Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) are provided to all these units. Also provided Four ETP’s for treatment of trade effluent & STP for treatment of domestic effluents. The treated effluents are reutilized for ash slurry disposal. The treated effluents of ETP’s and STP are completely recycled. In this communication, authors have explored the various steps taken by CSTPS for significant reduction of water/air/land foot prints to mitigate the diverse situations and for the protection of environment with electricity generation by taking into account of both ecological and socioeconomic aspects. It is pertinent to mention here that CSTPS is following the latest norms stipulated by MoEF&CC/CPCB/MPCB, wherein all the real time online Continuous Emission (CEMS)/Effluent (CEQMS)/Ambient Air Quality (CAAQMS) systems are connected to online portal developed by regulatory/statutory bodies.
CSTPS; Thermal Power; Environment Management; Protection of Environment; MPCB
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