Design of Metal Insulator Metal based Square Ring Resonator Plasmonic Filter using Silica Slits for Dual Band Applications

Bitra, Surendra Kumar; M, Sridhar


In this paper, Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) based dual-band plasmonic bandpass filters (BPF) with single and dual silica slits design and analysis is presented. The Square Ring Resonator (SRR) is coupled using Coupled feed line for dual-band operations. The coupled feed line is used for dual-band operating wavelengths, 1300 nm (230.6 THz) and 1600 nm (187.37 THz). Design and simulations are performed using complex electromagnetic simulatorknown as computer simulation technology (CST) microwave tool. The proposed filters are used for plasmonic single and dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) applications in photonic integrated circuits (PIC’s).


BPF; MIM; Photonic Integrated Circuits; SRR


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