Deep Learning based Load Forecasting with Decomposition and Feature Selection Techniques

Subbiah, Siva Sankari ; Senthil Kumar, Paramasivan


The forecasting of short term electricity load plays a vital role in power system. It is essential for the power system's reliable, secure, and cost-effective functioning. This paper contributes significantly for enhancing the accuracy of short term electricity load forecasting. It presents a hybrid forecasting model called Gated Recurrent Unit with Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Boruta feature selection (EBGRU). It is a hybrid model that addresses the non-stationary, non-linearity and noisy issues of the time series input by using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD). It also addresses overfitting and curse of dimensionality issues of load forecasting by identifying the pertinent features using Boruta wrapper feature selection. It effectively handles the uncertainty and temporal dependency characteristics of load and forecasts the future load using deep learning based Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The proposed EBGRU model is experimented by using European and Australian Electricity load datasets. The temperature has high correlation with load demand. In this study, both load and temperature features are considered for the accurate short term load forecasting. The experimental outcome demonstrates that the proposed EBGRU model outperforms other deep learning models such as RNN, LSTM, GRU, RNN with EEMD and Boruta (EBRNN) and LSTM with EEMD and Boruta (EBLSTM).


Boruta feature selection, Electricity load prediction, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, Gated recurrent unit, Recurrent neural network

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