MICMAC Analysis of Industry 4.0 in Indian Automobile Industry

Fauzdar, Chinmay ; Gupta, Naman ; Goswami, Mohit ; Kumar, Rakesh


Industrial evolution has taken over as next generation technological breakthrough which is capable of achieving digitalization to ensure enhanced quality, safety and economics. This paper aims to highlight those factors that affect the functioning of the automobile industry. The objective is to find the effect of various factors contributed by Industry 4.0 in the Indian automobile sector through brainstorming with manufacturing experts and literature survey. Ten factors were found relevant. Generated responses were used to measure their influence with each other. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was applied for this. Then MICMAC (Matriced'impactscroisés multiplication appliquée á un classment), a cross-impact matrix multiplication is applied to show the dependency of the variables thereby examining the strength of the relationship between Industry 4.0 factors based on their driving and dependence power.The outcome model categorizes the factors in such a way that their impact can be observed by the practitioner and make changes accordingly. Effective mitigation of challenges associated with these factors is envisaged to make it much simpler for the company to enhance their performance and competitive ability. The model reiterates the fact that advancement in technology drives the 4th revolution and other factors such as supply chain management, organizational structure, employment disruption, etc. affect each other at various stages of development.


Interpretive structural model, Key enablers, Smart manufacturing, Sustainable development

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