Effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort of cotton fabric

Patil, Sharmila ; Mahapatra, Archana ; Gotmare, V D; Patil, P G; Bharimalla, A K; Arputharaj, A


The effect of different mercerization techniques on tactile comfort properties of woven cotton fabric has been studied.Desized, scoured and bleached cotton fabrics are subjected to four different mercerization treatments at two levels oftemperature (20C and 65C) under two different conditions (tension and slack). Non-mercerized fabric is served as control.Results show that mercerization treatments improve the tensile strength of cotton fabrics owing to reduced fibre crystallinityafter mercerization. Highest increase in tensile strength is observed in case of hot mercerization in slack condition. Increasein low-stress mechanical properties, such as tensile energy, bending rigidity and shear rigidity values, indicates higherstiffness/toughness of mercerized fabrics. This is further reflected in their high Koshi (stiffness/firmness), low Sofutosa(softness) and medium Fukurami (fullness) values. However, mercerization causes significant decrease in frictionalcoefficient and surface roughness, and results in improved total hand value (THV). Total hand values range from 3 to 3.61;with highest being presented by fabric mercerized under hot and slack conditions. High hand value indicates fair suitabilityof this fabric in wear comfort.


Cotton fabric;Mercerization;Tactile comfort;Tensile strength;Total hand value

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