Determination of the proximate composition of most sought-after crab species from Devi estuary, Odisha, India

Mohanty, B ; Jena, S R ; Nayak, J ; Swain, A ; Rout, S S ; Dash, B ; Raut, D


Two species of Portunid crabs, Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. sanguinolentus (Herbst, 1783) abundant in Devi estuary, Astaranga, Odisha were analyzed for key nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) through standard protocols. Findings revealed high protein content in the females than in the male species. Furthermore, the body muscles were richer in protein than the chelate tissues of the species examined. The crab P. sanguinolentus was nutritionally productive with significantly (p < 0.05) higher protein (173.58 mg/g) and other nutrients (carbohydrates 5.23 mg/g; and lipids 22.95 mg/g) thanĀ P. pelagicus (protein 59.58 mg/g; carbohydrate 4.2 mg/g; and lipid 19.93 mg/g). Notably, muscle tissues of female crabs were higher in nutrients than that of males. Further, nutrient content in body muscles was greater than in the chelate appendages. Given the near absence of data on the nutrient composition of palatable crabs from the Devi estuary, Astaranga, it is contended that the information obtained could be decisive in addressing the nutritional needs of the coastal populace and aid judicious utilization and marketing of the species.


Odisha, Portunid crabs, Proximate composition

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