Effect of particle size of ragi flour on physico-chemical and sensory profile of ragi mudde

Chikkalakshmipura Gurumallu, Sunil ; Senthil, Amudha ; G, Ramesh ; V.D, Nagaraju


Ragi mudde is a traditional food made with ragi (finger millet) flour. It is a major source of carbohydrate, calcium, iron, protein and well balanced amino acids and is a staple diet in rural parts of South India. The consistency of Ragi mudde depends on the particle size of its flour and water uptake during cooking. Ragi flour (RF) particle size was determined by particle size analyzer. The physical properties of Ragi mudde such as bulk density (RF), water uptake during cooking (Ragi mudde) were also measured. Traditionally cooked Ragi mudde was characterized for color and texture by sensory and instrumental analysis. The coarseness or fineness of the RF was found to have tremendous effect on the physical and sensory profile of Ragi mudde, such as hardness, stickiness, cooking quality, color and texture. Ragi flour with different particle size, viz., 150 (S1), 300 (S2), 450 (S3), 600 (S4) and 750 (S5) µm were used in the preparation of Ragi mudde. Color values, expressed as L*, a* and b*, showed significant difference among the samples. Texture profile analysis (TPA) of the samples showed positive correlation to hardness and stickiness. The results of quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) revealed that the samples S4 and S5 scored high for the overall quality. Considering the above parameters, RF with particle size 600-750 µm, suits best and ideal for the preparation of Ragi mudde.


Finger millet, Particle size, Ragi flour, Ragi mudde, Sensory


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