A ranomized open comparative clinical study of sharbat ustukhuddus and sharbat banafsha in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis

Talat, Hina ; Latafat, Tabassum ; Naseer, Mursaleen ; Aziz, Yasmeen


To compare the efficacy of sharbat ustukhuddus and sharbat banafsha in the management of nazlamuzmin (chronic rhinosinusitis). Study was conducted on 60 patients, divided in two groups i.e., test group A (sharbat ustukhuddus) and test group B (sharbat banafsha), 30 patients in each group having various subjective and objective parameters, confirmed by comprehensive general, systemic examination as well as the local examination of nose and paranasal sinuses and diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of X-ray PNS (water’s view), which was carried out before and after the termination of drug therapy.

The study was designed as open, randomized-comparative clinical trial. Subjects were randomly allocated from Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College & Hospital, either from IPD or OPD. The treatment period of test drug was six weeks. The study was divided into six visits (7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42th wks) with weekly follow up. Both test drugs were found to be effective on subjective as well as on objective parameters, these drugs significantly reduced sinus tenderness & opacity after treatment which were the main objective parameters but sharbat banafsha was superior than sharbat ustukhuddus and better remedy for this illness as it effectively relieved most of the clinical features of chronic sinusitis.


Chronic sinusitis; Sharbat banafsha; Sharbat ustukhuddus; Unani drugs

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